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Financial Knowledge Communication Training Held
Published:2017/5/23 Views:15509

Adway Construction Group held financial knowledge communication training in which of nearly of 50 employees from the Group Finance Center and other relevant departments attended the training on May 18, 2017.

The training was organized by the Securities Department and two managers from PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhongtian Certified Public Accountants gave training on disclosure requirements and other content of Hong Kong Main Board listed companies annual and interim report. The lecturer explained in detail the Hong Kong Main Board listed companies in the financial communication matters

Guangdong Adway Construction (Group) Co., Ltd. was listed on the Main Board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange on November 25, 2016 (stock code: 06189.HK). After listing, the Group will seize the opportunity to return to investors, customers, employees and society with the best operating results.

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