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Medical Road with Love, Mutual Aid Forward the Trip
Published:2017/1/14 Views:10438

Medical Road with Love, Mutual Aid Forward the Trip
Source: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily  January 13 2017





Core Tip
In the national health care reform into the "deep water" today, what should be to do in the aspect that public hospitals can not make up for the lack of  the social assistance system and promotion of medical reform practice. How can we learn from the experience of developed countries to use charitable foundation to help social civilization and progress? Carrying these two missions, a year ago today, Shenzhen Fu medical foundation was established in the Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University (former the Futian District People's Hospital). Over the past year, Shenzhen Fu medical foundation fulfilled the mission, grew through trails and tribulations, moved forward on the road of public welfare.

● Take social responsibility reflecting the public welfare of public hospital
On the afternoon of January 6, 2017, the awarding ceremony of 2015-2016 annual Futian District social organization series was held in Shenzhen City Social Organization headquarters base —— Jinfeng Building. When the host announced that "Fu Medical Innocence" project of Shenzhen Fu Medical Foundation won the "Most Potential Social Innovation Project Award", a burst of warm applause arised. This is a recognition of the work of Fu Medical Foundation of the past year, also is an encouragement for the Eighth Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University for implement of the charitable.

Looking back on the grand occasion of inauguration of Fu medical foundation a year ago, the memory is still fresh as yesterday. As the first public foundation named public hospital in Guangdong Province, the fifth one over the country, the foundation was approved for registration by the Shenzhen Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau and has an independent legal personality with the Eighth Hospital of Zhongshan University as the main sponsor, the East Sea Group, Huaqiang Group, the Oriental Pearl Group, Adway Construction Group and Ms. Xu Jun as co-sponsors.

Poor children congenital heart disease surgery funded by"Fu medical innocence"   is the first project of Shenzhen Fu medical foundation after its launch. the The sponsor of the Foundation, the party secretary of the eighth college, executive vice president, Professor Wu Guifu said that the project is an deepening of project and technical upgrading for the eighth hospital to strengthen the construction of discipline, and promote differentiation developmnet by leaps, on the basis of successfully implanted Co-operation with Zhongshan University. From 2013, a team of experts led by Dr. Zhang Xi, Chief Expert of Cardiothoracic Surgery of Zhongshan First Hospital,entering in the Eighth Hospital of Zhongda University cultivated local youth expert team represented by Dr. Han Jingjun through the implementation of a series of difficult surgery, but also advanced the rapid development of the operating room, ICU, anesthesia, nursing, pediatrics, cardiovascular ultrasound and other related disciplines. Last year in July,a team of experts from Beijing Fuwai hospital joined Shenzhen medical and health "three projects" making the development of heart science even more powerful. All of this lays a solid foundation for implementation of "Fu Medical Innocence" Project.

● Implementing new medical reform to make up for the shortage of social assistance system
Xi Jinping stressed on the 2017 New Year message: "No one can not be left behind on the road to moderately prosperous!" In the building of a well-off road, medical security is a "stumbling block", return to poverty due to illness, poverty-stricken cases had occurred in many places. Since 2002, China has established a new rural cooperative medical system, after more than 10 years of development, China has initially achieved full coverage of basic medical insurance, but serious medical expenses for off-site reimbursement has not been a very good solution. Shenzhen Fu Medical Foundation is to aim at this, to make up for lack of social assistance system on the public carrier of the eighth hospital, provide timely and affordable medical services for poor patients, so as to protect the the fairness of health care system, build a well-off society.

As the first public welfare project initiated by Shenzhen Fu medical foundation, the project of Fu Medical Innocence has been widely concerned by the society over the year. Up to now,a number of families with poor children with congenital heart disease from Shenzhen and Shenzhen counterparts Heyuan City have benefited from rescue operation success rate of 100%.

● Do public projects to promote the development of discipline of hospital
Reviewing multiple cases of surgery of "Fu Medical Innocence" over the past year, both simple atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect and other conditions, there are complicated tetralogy of Fallot, and even including a case of only a million parts per million, the extremely rare "mirror face" (all human gut anti-bit). The success operation rate of 100%, which is a satisfactory result in any hospital. The launch of "Fu Medical Innocence" makes Fu Medical Foundation and the eighth hospitals to support each other, promote each other and make progress together.

Each successful heart surgery is inseparable from the close cooperation between the hospital departments; the organization of relevant sections to discuss the meeting several times ensures the quality of operation. In the most complex 4-year-old girl "Mirror face" operation, under the support from Fuwai hospital experts, multi teams from the eighth hospital co-operated, through nine hours of surgery, and up to 3 weeks of adjustment after the the surgery postoperative, made the children finally fully recovered.Xu Fu, executive vice president and secretary general of Shenzhen Fu Medical Foundation said that in 2017, relying on a strong team of experts from Sun Yat-sen University and Fuwai hospital, under the back of key disciplines team led by Professor Wu Guifu, and the help of national key research and development plan of the thirteenth five year which has just landed at the eighth hospital --"rare disease clinical cohort study" and the United States Harvard cardiovascular training project, Shenzhen Fu Medical Foundation and "Fu Medicine Innocence "project must not forget the beginning of the heart,move forward.
(Xiaorong, Xufu, Wen Zhifeng / text)

▶ Honorary Chairman Unit: Donghai Group
On the basis of the real estate business, Donghai Group has further developed the fields of commercial real estate, high-class hotel, property management and air transportation, and has become a powerful comprehensive group.Donghai International Center composes of  the Grade A office buildings, five-star hotels, business apartments and high-end business. Donghai International Apartment was awarded a number of luxury awards. Donghai colorful world shopping center opened in July 2016. Donghai Airlines, as the local Shenzhen-based airlines and the mainland's only Hong Kong-owned private aviation enterprises, already has international and domestic passenger transport license; and until 2020, it will expand to 50 aircrafts.Now Donmghai has formed a development trend of real estate and aviation, two wings flying together.
Honorary Chairman Huang Chubiao talks on public welfare: Shenzhen Donghai Group that rooted in Shenzhen, and grew up in Futian has always been taking the social responsibility over the years with its rapid development. Donghai has donated nearly one 100 million to the Fu Medical Foundation and many other charitable organizations. Donghai donated one million yuan to Fu Medical Foundation, hoping to contribute Futian.

▶ Executive Vice Chairman Unit: Shenzhen Oriental Pearl Group
Shenzhen Oriental Pearl (Group) Co., Ltd. was established in 1998, and now has been formed four-compatible business structure of tourism, property, agriculture and high-tech industry, making company become a better enterprises with extremely optimistic prospects of trade, agriculture, high-tech.Wu Kaisong, executive vice chairman of the Foundation said that sowing the seeds of love, sowing warm sunshine, promoting charity culture, boosting public welfare should be the obligations and responsibilities of each bentrepreneurs. I hope to help more patients in need to pass our love, and i also call for more entrepreneurs to participate and join in the activities of caring for the poor actively and generously. At the same time, I hope that the Fu Medical Foundation makes more contributions forward the charitable culture under the support of public.

▶ Executive Vice Chairman Unit: Adway Construction Group
Guangdong Adway Construction (Group) holdings Co., Ltd. was established in 1996, with registered capital of 158,287,000 yuan.It was listed on the Main Board in Hong Kong(06189.HK) on November 25, 2016. The company's business covers building decoration, mechanical and electrical equipment installation, building curtain wall, intelligent building projects, fire facilities, and other ancillary construction, decoration materials and equipment research and design, production and sales.
Ye Yujing, executive vice chairman of foundation said that in Chinese traditional ethics, the humanistic spirit of "loving the people" of Confucius, the proposition "commit to the world's welfare when you are rich" of Mencius are full of interpretations of charity. Returns to the society with wealth and psychological identity are the fundamental reasons that i foucus on charity. As an entrepreneur, when leading enterprises to move forward,we also should fulfill our social responsibility, put "love" into action.

▶ Director unit: Huaqiang Group
Huaqiang Group is a large investment holding group led by hi-tech industry. It covers more than 100 investment enterprises, such as culture and technology industry, high-end electronic information service industry, real estate, clean energy and financial innovation business,a total of asset of 60 billion yuan. When advancing the development of industry sector to achieve "innovation, coordination, green, open and shared", Huaqiang Group vigorously advocates the public service concept of "strategic, sustainable and shared".
Liang Guangwei, Chairman of the Board of the group pointed out that Fu Medical Foundation mainly subsidized poverty-stricken patients, the training of medical staff  and new medical technology introductions, which are in high agreement with Huaqiang public welfare concept "care for disadvantaged groups" and "promote the application of new technologies". Therefore, we send the director and CEO of our group,Mr. Fang Dehou as the chairman of the foundation, and we will continue to support the Shenzhen Fu medical foundation to introduce new medical technology and advance public welfare progress.





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