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2016 Year-End Summary Meeting of China Democratic League Futian General Branch Held
Published:2017/1/15 Views:10133
2016 year-end summary meeting of China Democratic League Futian General branch was held on January 14, 2017. Vice chairman of the Futian general branch of China Democratic League, chairman of the Board of and President of Guangdong Adway Construction (Group) Co., Ltd, Mr. Ye Yujing and other leaders of branch attended the meeting.
The meeting carried out a detailed and in-depth summary of the work of 2016, and voted and adopted the work plan of the Futian general branch of 2017.
The meeting put forward new demands for the work of 2017. Under the new situation, all the members of the League should study the spirit of the important speech of Chairman Xi in the third, fourth, fifth and sixth plenary sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, as well as the leadership spirit of the provincial and municipal districts, implement the 13th five year plan. Members of the league care and focus on the people, public opinion, the people concern, implement the proposals and recommendations approved by the year-end summary meeting. The meeting looks forward to the unity and cooperation of all members with a pragmatic attitude in the new year, making contributions to the nation, society and public.

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