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"Notice of the Reform of the Construction Industry" Issued by Ministry of Housing and Urban Development: the Construction Industry to Have Eight Major Changes
Published:2016/5/29 Views:5887

Recently, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development(MOHURD) held a national conference on the reform and development of construction and engineering quality and safety, and issued a "Notice of Housing Urban and Rural Construction on the Reform of the Construction Industry to Carry Out Pilot Work" (referred to as: "the Construction Industry Reform Pilot Notice"). Vice Minister Wang Ning in his speech raised eight issues that the reform and development of the construction need to research and solve in the next period of time.
It will focus on the reform from the "re-approval, light supervision" into "desalinate pre-management, attach importance to the middle of work and the supervision afterwards " with the strict control.
First, on the establishment of a unified and open construction market
We must resolutely eliminate market barriers, abolish all kinds of unreasonable provisions and requirements, and resolutely ban all kinds of deposits without legal and regulatory basis. Business contract in different provinces implements a one-time online record, and the provincial authorities imform for the record throughout the city that shall not be re-recorded any more. Regular the record management, and strengthen supervision afterwards.
Second, on improving the level of architectural design
It is pointed out that architectural design should be paid attention to the combination with excellent culture, systematically excavating local architectural culture characteristics, combing the architectural symbols and building materials with local characteristics, creatively applying to architectural design. Pay attention to the coordination between architectural design and regional culture, Layout, modeling style, material color, etc., and the appropriate position of regional cultural connotation. There are four aspects to improve the level of architectural design: "establishing the concept of innovation of design enterprise and advocating fine design; strengthening the training of creative talents in architectural design; optimizing the market environment of architectural design; and actively exploring decision-making and post-evaluation system of large-scale public building." .
Third, on the reform project bidding
Owned commercial property investment projects, Release the restrictions that non-state-owned investment projects should be called for bids, and the non-state-owned investment owners should be given the right to make independent decision-making on bids, to allow their own choice whether to tender the contract or to enter the tangible market transactions. The project owner will take the corresponding responsibilities to the design to selection of the design, construction and other units.
Fourth, on the reform of the administrative approval system
Will further decentralization of qualification approval, permission, to improve the administrative and approving methods. In the category of qualification, for the market that can choose independently , it will cancel the qualification category settings, combine the business scope of similar qualifications, while simplifying the assessment content and pay more attention to personal credit status, safety and quality indicators.
Registration of level one constructor and approval authority of qualification A of bidding agency will be delegated. The extension of review of architectural enterprise will be delegated to the provincial housing construction department. The next step is to establish a clear-cut hierarchical review mechanism. The provincial construction departmentthe is to be in charge of implementation of review comprehensive indicators and non-registered personal indicators.      
Improve the administrative and approving methods, optimize the approval process, push forward implementation of electronic reporting and approval.
Fifth, on the construction market integrity
Focus on accelerating building three basic databases of enterprise, personnel, project, the establishment of credit information sharing mechanism, increasing information disclosure, establishment of faith-keeping encouragement and penalty of breaking faith mechanism and so on.


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