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The New Version of "Energy Efficiency Labeling Management Method" Executed From June 1 This Year
Published:2016/4/18 Views:5821
The National Development and Reform Commission and AQSIQ on February 29 jointly issued a revised "Energy Efficiency Labeling Management Method" (referred to as "management method") which is to be executed from june 1 this year. The original "management method" at the same time will be repealed.
The energy efficiency labeling system is an important market-oriented energy-saving management system for our country to enhance the level of end-use products energy efficiency. The National Development and Reform Commission, AQSIQ issued the "Energy Efficiency Labeling Management Method" on August 2004, establishing energy efficiency labeling management system. A total of 12 batches of catalogs have been issued, covering 33 categories of products in five major fields: home appliances, office and electronic equipment, industrial equipment, lighting equipment and commercial equipment since the implementation of the system on March 1, 2005. More than 9,000 enterprises, 610,000 models have been passed the energy efficiency labeling, more than 400 billion cumulative savings in electricity for the country to make a positive contribution to energy conservation work. Driven by the energy efficiency labeling system, and China's large-scale promotion of energy efficient products, the public awareness of energy conservation and awareness of energy-saving products continue to be increased; energy-saving technologies continue to be upgraded; product structure are optimized and adjusted.

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